What is your guilty pleasure?
Coffee toffee ice cream from Rain or Shine.
What was your favourite trip you’ve taken?
Sardinia, Italy. The most beautiful island I’ve yet to go to with a group of friends who I cherish deeply. 10/10 recommend.
When you’re not modelling, what else are you up to?
I do drag full-time! You can find me dolled up twirling around the globe sharing the magic of drag and all that it has to offer. I am the reigning Queen of “Canada” after all! ;-)
What is your favourite Quote? Or lyrics?
“We cut, and we grow.” - Better by Kelela
This simple lyric has helped me in so many ways. She highlights the importance of cutting any dead ends, just like how we do with our plants, to create a healthier, more luscious future. It’s necessary to cut old habits, beliefs and relationships in order to continue to grow and evolve.
What is your biggest motivation?
My family. I come from a long line of extremely devoted and creative people who have forged their own paths in life and have continuously inspired me to do the same. I carry them with me in all I am, and all I do.
Is there anything you wished would come back in (or leave and never return) in fashion?
Men in short shorts. For obvious reasons.