What is your guilty pleasure?
Food, food, food, the relationship you have with food when you smell , taste, experience, to me is what keeps me alive. So many different varieties from good food to fast food. Traveling and trying different countries delicacy and the experience that food brings to people around a table is magical.
What was you favourite trip you’ve taken?
I have been lucky to see many places and all have brought amazing experiences for different reasons however one place that has had a huge impact for me is Venice Italy as there is no other place like this. I have been twice and both times I felt as if I was on a film set… I should go back.
Who do you look up to/admire?
The Obamas, their ideology, focusing on making a better place, their classiness. I have read both Becoming and A Promised Land, it felt good to read in time of uncertainty.
How many languages do you speak?
I usually say 2 and 3/4 meaning fully in French and English and 3/4 of Spanish. I keep working on improving my Spanish, it’s a beautiful language.
Height: 5'11 | Chest: 40 | Waist: 32 | Inseam: 31 | Eyes: Brown | Hair: Salt & Pepper | Shirt: 15.5 | Suit: 40R | Shoes: 8.5