
Get to know Serena.
- What is your favourite Quote? Or Lyric?
As a dancer, music is everything to me. Out of all the music in the world and genres that I love, I’d say my favourite lyric is written by Taylor Swift, "If one thing had been different, would everything be different today?” I'm a huge Taylor Swift fan, and her lyrics are so visually poetic to me that I fall in love with the world she creates with her music. This lyric is from the song “The 1” it’s something I often think about and specifically find quite trippy. Things happen for a reason, but if different choices were made, where would they have lead me to? Isn’t that a bit scary?
- What is your Favourite film and why?
As an actress, this is one of the hardest questions to answer. However, with that being said, it's 100% Hairspray. A dream of mine is to lead a Musical feature someday like Hairspray. It is such a phenomenal production that is brilliantly planned out to achieve a loud subject of racial injustice and evidence of how love overpowers those with hatred intentions. If you don’t believe me on how much I love this movie, I could most defiantly recite the whole script for you and even perform the dance sections. That’s how much I love it. If I need to feel hopeful for a better future, encouraged for a deeper connection, and happy enough to get up dancing, Hairspray will be on any screen around me!
- Who do you look up to/admire?
Easy! My brother, Michael. He’s my favourite human being on this planet, and I’m very fortunate enough to have him in my life. I go to him for everything; he always makes time to give me the advice I need to hear. Since my brother is a professional baseball player who travels the world, he comes home each year with new perspectives of life and meaning. He is so hardworking and determined, watching him inspires me to do the same and be better every day. He inspires me to live my life doing the things I love while allowing my heart to be open to new experiences along the way. I’ve had many amazing teachers surrounding me varying from school, dance and acting coaches who have impacted my life, but my brother is my favourite one by far!
- What is one thing you have always wanted to learn or know how to do?
There is a huge list of things I want to accomplish and learn, but I really want to learn how to play all my favourite songs on the Guitar. I’m so fascinated by musicians and have so much appreciation for the ease they have playing their instruments. There’s nothing like a campfire on a hot summer night, just jamming and listening to the strumming of a guitar. It’s a moment I live for, and I know others do too! One thing I’ve learnt in my life is that creating a fun, memorable, and comfortable space for people to enjoy is such a gift and something that people will always remember you for. Why not make my friends remember a night by the fire singing the words to “Free Falling” by John Mayer as I play the guitar? Sounds pretty memorable to me!