What was your favourite trip you’ve taken and why?
- Thailand has a special place in my heart, the relaxing and laid back vibes with an amazing welcoming energy in little local hidden spots, it’s just amazing.
When you’re not modelling, what else are you up to?
- Besides flight school, I love to spend my time outside, shooting and editing videos, biking or doing any other fun activity.
What it one thing you have always wanted to learn or know how to do?
- Skydiving is one of the things that I know I HAVE TO DO, my father and my uncle had their parachutes and jumped out of a plane too many times to count, and I guess that had an influence on my adventurous spirit.
- Surfing a barrel comes next in the list
How many languages you speak and why?
- Portuguese: as I’m from Brazil
- English: it was hard at first, turns out going to Shanghai at 18 knowing no English is a good way to learn it… Living with many different people from all over the world was the way to go.
- Spanish: I had a few good friends from Spain and Argentina while living in Asia from 2013 to 2019, so I put in some work and with time Spanish became an easy one.
- Russian: One of my weird ability is being able to read Russian, many of my housemates and friends were from Russia, and after some time (and Vodka) it became fun to learn.
Height: 6'2.5" | Chest: 39 | Waist: 32 | Inseam: 31 | Eyes: Green | Hair: Black | Shirt: 15 | Shoes: 11