One thing people might not know about you? I grew up playing football from a very young age and was fortunate enough to play on some very successful teams through my childhood years, high school and university. It was through these experiences that I learned what teamwork truly meant and how it is sometimes necessary to sacrifice our own ambitions and success for the greater good of the team. These are lessons that have served me well as an adult and particularly as a businessman.
Who do you look up to/admire? The person that I admire the most would have to be my mother. After my father passed away when I was just 12 years old, the strength and resilience that my Mom had to show and demonstrate on numerous occasions is something that I have come to realize and truly appreciate as I've gotten older. Having many friends that now have kids of their own and also having had a partner that was a single mother, I can only now truly appreciate the sacrifices and challenges that she faced while trying to provide a normal upbringing for both my sister and I. I will never be able to thank her enough or ever repay her for these things but I can certainly try and it's something that constantly motivates me to achieve my goals.
When you're not modelling, what else are you up to? When I am not modelling, I am running the personal training gym that I opened in April 2021. After having worked as a personal trainer for over 20 years I finally decided to open my own gym with a business partner and, although the timing could not have been worse during the middle of a pandemic, I am proud to say that the business has been successful since day one and we are currently looking at expansion and other business opportunities. Owning my own gym and being a personal trainer means that I also spend quite a bit of my free time lifting weights and staying active myself. This helps me to relieve some stress but also allows me to practice what I preach and now has me being the healthiest and fittest I've ever been even as I'm well into my 40's.
What is your favourite quote? "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference". To me, this quote perfectly sums up my outlook on life and how I perceive things as they unfold in my life. Things aren't always going to go my way but as long as I stay focused on the things I can control and am at peace with the things that I cannot, I will be able to navigate my way through everything and still be ok. This is a perspective that has served me well in life and allowed me to stay focused and hopeful regardless of what may come my way.