Who do you look up to/admire?
I look up to Sarain Fox and Ashley Callingbull, their beautiful and tenacity reminds me a lot of my mother's.
What is your favourite film or book?
My favourite book at the moment is Shantaram by Gregory D. Roberts, it's a a spiritual journey into life with an intense sense of transformation and self discovery.
What is one thing you have always wanted to learn or know how to do?
I would love to learn the traditional language that my elder's speak fluently, Dakelh' then I'll pass that knowledge onto my children in the future.
What is your favourite accessory? Where did you get it?
My favourite accessory is a beautiful pair of earrings my mother made me out of glass beads to commemorate Red Dress Day, which came the REDress Project. We collaborated on the piece, so I asked her to add a pair of angel wings to the dress to represent the MMIWG.