What was your favourite trip you’ve taken?
So far, my trip to Europe in 2018 where I got to go on a cruise with my family and visited parts of Spain, France, and Italy. I loved seeing the different landscapes and cultures there and meeting new people on the cruise! (Fun fact: I still keep in touch with them!)
What is one thing you have always wanted to learn or know how to do?
Properly learning the techniques on how to make clothes so I can use them and create my own! I'm very interested in fashion and combining it with the visual arts scene. I want to learn how to make my own clothes, but have never been taught formally as I have never taken any classes. I am hoping to learn someday and take classes to help improve my skills and expand my creativity!
If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have? And why?
Teleportation!! Just so I could go anywhere in the world as fast as possible and at any time without all the transportation!
How many languages do you speak?
3! English, Cantonese, and Mandarin, but I do know a tiny bit of Spanish and have learnt a few phrases in Korean from K-dramas! I am always looking to learn more languages :)