
Get to know Mariesa.
- What is your favourite trip you’ve taken and why?
My favourite trip so far has been the one where my family and I travelled to Connecticut in 2017. My brother plays professional baseball so while we were there we got to travel with him to New Jersey, New York and many other states watching him play. It was my first time seeing those states so as a model and dancer, walking through Times Square was an absolute dream of mine. Everywhere I went in Times Square I became inspired to work harder and be the best version of myself I could possibly be. This trip opened my eyes to all the possibilities life has to give.
- When you’re not modelling what else are you up to?
When I’m not modelling, I am dancing and/or acting on set. I have been a professional in the business ever since I was a little girl. I get the opportunity to audition for many cool film/tv projects here in Vancouver BC. You can also catch me hard at work as an assistant choreographer for CW’s “Riverdale.”
- What if anything did you learn about yourself during this past year of Covid?
I learnt that friends may come and go but family is the most precious thing anyone could have in this life. I love getting to connect and build amazing relationships with my friends but when it comes to family its so important to keep each other close and love each other harder day after day. Family is forever and I am constantly inspired by the loved ones around me.
- What is your favourite film and Why?
My Favourite film is a tough one to answer but also one of my favourite questions to talk about. I have a tie between “How to lose a Guy in 10 days” and “She’s the Man”. I am a huge sucker for romantic comedies, they can make me laugh, smile, and cry but most times I walk away with a happy heart. Sometimes it sounds silly because life isn’t always peaches and cream, however, I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason so when life gets tough work that much harder for the things you desire, always love yourself first and hope that one day you will walk about with a happy love story.