
One thing people might not know about you?
What people often don't know about me is that in addition to my fashion work, I work as an actress and music teacher. I have long worried that I should have one profession to devote myself to, but in my case this is impossible. I love music, I love making movies, and I have been working in fashion for almost 8 years. I like what I do and each of these fields is important to me.
What is one thing people might find strange/different about you?
I asked this question to relatives and they answered "If we don't know what kind of mood you are in, we listen how you play on the piano". So sometimes music reflects my mood better than myself.
What is your guilty pleasure?
My guilty pleasure used to be watching sitcoms and wasting time. Now I follow Fran Lebowitz's rule "I have no guilty pleasures, because pleasure never makes me feel guilty. I think it’s unbelievable that there’s such a phrase as guilty pleasure. In other words—like, unless your pleasure is killing people! My pleasures are absolutely benign, by which I mean: No one dies. You know? And, I think: No, I don’t feel guilty for having pleasure!”
What was your favourite trip you’ve taken?
I was born in Poland and have traveled extensively in Europe and Asia since childhood. But one of my biggest trips was to New York. It was my first time in North America. I was delighted with the museums, jazz clubs, culture and atmosphere. I was there with my boyfriend and best friends. To this day (although it was almost a year ago), my boyfriend and I sing Theme from New York, New York by Frank Sinatra every morning.