- What was your favourite trip you’ve taken and why?
My favourite trip I have taken would be When I was 16 I got to go Barcelona, Madrid and London for our school soccer trip. It was amazing because not only did I get to play soccer in different countries but I got to do it with my best friends.
- What are three words you’d use to describe yourself?
I would say I am determined, loyal and attentive
- When you’re not modelling, what else are you up to?
When I am not modelling I spend the majority of my time at the gym since I have taken on a new love for weight lifting as well as my time in my classes working for my masters in psychology.
- What if anything did you learn about yourself during this past year of Covid?
What I have learned about myself is that I am my own priority. I should not put my mental health in front of others when I have the power to put my own in front of theirs.