One thing people might not know about you?
Some of the best summers of my life were spent building and maintaining trails in Banff National Park. The natural beauty filled me with awe. Learning about the flora, fauna and geology was a bonus. Hiking with a 50lb Trapper Nelson (wood frame with canvas storage), doing tough work, and leaping into ice cold lakes at lunch time were a spectacular way to spend summers. The experience rendered me physically strong, more mindful and appreciative of nature and inspired me to stay active throughout my life. I will be forever grateful.
What's your favourite dish to make?
MOUSSAKA! I love the diversity of ingredients, variety of preparation and the delicious taste and texture. It’s a great dish to make with pals and loved ones. It pairs superbly with a full-bodied red wine.
Who do you look up to/admire?
I will risk being very corny and sentimental here: My parents who are a ripe, healthy 91 years old. They are active, curious and engaged, adaptable, wise, playful, and deeply respectful towards others, each other and themselves, willing to be authentic and bold, and mostly - they are wholehearted. I adore them.
o What is your favorite Quote? Or lyric?
“Awaken your spirit to adventure
Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk.
Soon you will be home in a new rhythm
For your soul senses the world that awaits you.”
- from, For a New Beginning by John O’Donohue